May 4

The superpower of crawling!

Yes, crawling is a super power! Or at least those who work in child development think so! Children progress through hundreds of developmental milestones, each having their own unique and critical role in brain and body development. Crawling supports sensory integration, motor development and visual motor skills. If a developmental stage is skipped, sped through or inefficient it can impact on a child’s later development. So no mater your child’s age, get crawling!

Fun crawling games to try at home:

  1. Create an obstacle of couch cushions, pillows and soft toys a child has to navigate crawling
  2. Use pop up tunnels or blankets over tables to crawl and hide under
  3. Play animal games! Walk like a bear, crawl like a puppy, wriggle like a worm!
  4. Place toy pieces such as puzzle pieces or board game counters at one end of an obstacle so your child has to crawl between to keep the game going!

Written by Laura Taylor, Occupational Therapist.