Get to Sleep…

Sleep is such a common problem area highlighted by parents and families. There are many reasons why children may be having difficulties with their sleep cycles. Below are some areas that may impact sleep and wake cycles for your child.

Weighted Products

  • Try a big teddy bear or some plush toys in bed, added some weight to the toys stuffing (sand or rice bags).
  • A weighted blanket or body pillow in their own bed.
  • Weight works for us, heavy doona or cushion to cuddle.
  • Deep pressure input such as weighted blankets, tucking in sheets firmly, sleeping in a sleeping bag or hugging a body pillow can sometimes be helpful.
  • Some might be comforted by the closed space between mum and dad. Try long pillows on both sides in their own bed. Sometimes it also helps if the pillows smell like the parents so getting the parents to sleep with the pillows one night then having the pillows in the child’s bed the next. Also such things as weighted blankets and tight tucking in can help.

Proprioceptive Input

  • Lots of vestibular – hammock spinning, scooter board etc during the day for a few weeks might be worth a try.
  • Proprioceptive work – pulling/rowing works to calm prior to sleep along with
    the ‘routine’ that the family are doing.

Break the Cycle

  • Break their sleep cycle by waking them at 7 am and not letting them sleep until 10 or 11. It will be a few horrible days but it may break the cycle.


  • Does Dad snore?  Are they comforted by the rhythm or sound of Dad’s breathing or snoring?
  • Try some white noise recordings eg. surf crashing, womb sounds or fan.

Social Stories and Rewards

  • Try a bit of a reward system for them to provide some extra incentive to stay in their room. Providing them with a “what-to-do story” or social story outlining calming options they could do if they wake in the night might help. Calming options if they wake may include those that you, the family or your child have already identified; however, some ideas may include things like: listening to relaxing music, hugging a favourite toy or pillow firmly, rolling themselves firmly in their blanket etc.
  • Social stories and sticker charts have also helped lots of children be motivated to stay in bed.


  • Play around with lighting to check if this is an environmental factor affecting sleep. If inside light is becoming distracting leave an outside light on and note the difference in sleep behaviours.
  • Try a ‘Groclock’ – this is a light which changes from a blue night face to a bright sun face to give children a visual cue as to when it is the correct time to get out of bed. You can set the times and durations to your needs and your family schedule.

Written by Alannah Sofianos, Occupational Therapist for De Silva Kids Clinic.