Mental Health Wellness Tips for Isolation/Quarantine

  1. Develop a routine – Set reasonable sleep and wake times. Write a schedule that includes time for work as well as self-care. Remember to dress. Get showered and dressed in comfortable clothes daily. Try to avoid remaining in pyjamas all day
  2. Get out at least once a day – for activities such as shopping, getting a take-away coffee, or for a walk
  3. Stay connected with others – ensure to make time for this daily, e.g., phone calls, FaceTime, texts, Skype
  4. Stay hydrated and eat well – try to avoid over-indulging, forgetting to eat, or avoiding food. Ensure to drink plenty of water
  5. Spend extra time playing with children – Children sometimes do not communicate how they are feeling, but will often request attention and communication through play
  6. Expect behavioural issues in children – this may be due to disruption to their routine, boredom, increased anxiety, etc. Try not to introduce major behavioural plans or consequences at this time
  7. Limit social media and COVID-19 conversation – especially around children. Information can often be sensationalised, negatively skewed, and alarmist. Find a trusted source and check in consistently, no more than 2 times a day
  8. Find something you can control – For example, reorganise your closet or bookshelves, re-arrange furniture, or group your children’s toys. Controlling a small part of your life can help to anchor you
  9. Reach out for help – your team is here for you. Although we are physically distant, we can always connect remotely
  10. Remind yourself daily that this is temporary – although it may be a scary and difficult time, it WILL pass

Written by Marisa Donnoli – Psychologist at De Silva Kids Clinic