October 21, 2020

Screen Time

Screen time is time spent in front of a screen (e.g. television, phone, ipad/tablet, computer, video game device)

An excess amount of screen time can increase the risk of:
• Inconsistent sleep – may have trouble falling asleep or maintaining a regular sleep schedule.
• Problems with behaviour and attention – excessive screen time can lead to difficulties in school, attention problems, hyperactivity and behavioural issues.

Language Development
Children learn to talk and communicate through interactions with other people. The first several years of life are crucial for your child’s language development. It is when their brain is the most receptive to learning new language. The research has shown that increasing screen time can have an impact on speech and language acquisition and may also be linked to attention problems, short-term memory problems, and reading problems. All of which can play into your child’s ability to learn language as well.

Educational Videos
Of course there are educational videos such as those that teach language skills (e.g. sign language, vocabulary) however videos do not replace face-to-face interactions where they learn non-verbal body language and appropriate social skills.

Instead of Screen Time you can:
• Sing songs (i.e. nursery rhymes)
• Read a book
• Play with your child’s favourite toy, board game, puzzle
• Make a craft project, colour a picture
• Play in the yard, go to the park, go for a walk, ride bikes
• Go for a car ride and talk about what you see
• Go to the library and look for books on a topic that interests your child
• Teach your child a new skill
• Have a playdate
• Cook something in the kitchen together or plant some seeds in the garden

Written by Senali Alahakone – Speech Pathologist at De Silva Kids Clinic.

October 12, 2020

Get the best out of your telehealth session!

As you know, due to COVID-19, we now offer telehealth sessions which can either be requested by the clinician or by the parent. Here at DeSilva Kids Clinic, we use Zoom to deliver our sessions.

Here are some tips to get the best out of your telehealth session:
• Familiarise yourself and your child with the software by downloading it and practicing using it with the video on. This will reduce anxiety and will not overwhelm both you and your child.
• Remove distractions from the environment. This means placing the device (that will be used for Telehealth) in a location where there are minimal distractions (i.e. a quiet room).
• Get actively involved in sessions. This provides a great opportunity for parents to engage in therapy and will provide parents with valuable skills to implement activities as well as learn how to best support your child at home.
• Prepare any required resources and have materials ready prior to the session. If there are any required resources or materials to be ready prior to the session, the clinician will let you know prior to the session.
• Ask questions – don’t be afraid to ask questions from your clinician. Your clinician is there to guide you and answer any questions you may have.

Senali Alahakone – Speech Pathologist at De Silva Kids Clinic

September 17, 2020

Dialogic Reading

Dialogic reading involves having a discussion or dialogue with your child about the storybook you are reading. The parent and child engage in a conversation about the book.

Often times, adults read as the child listens to the storybook. Dialogic reading allows the child to become the storyteller. The adult listens, asks questions, and becomes the audience for the child. The child becomes actively involved in the book reading experience.

The two strategies in dialogic reading are PEER and CROWD.

PEER (prompt, evaluate, expand, repeat) can be used by parents to encourage more meaningful responses to questions.
Prompt the child to say something about the book.
Parent: Who ate through one apple?
Child: The caterpillar.

Evaluate the child’s response.
Parent thinks to self, “That’s correct, it was a caterpillar…but we can add more to that response”.

Expand the child’s response
Parent: “Yes, it was the very hungry caterpillar”.

Repeat the prompt.
Parent: Who ate through one apple?
Child: The very hungry caterpillar.


CROWD (completion, recall, open-ended, wh- questions, distancing) can be used by parents to remember the types of questions to ask.
Completion question
Parent: “On Thursday, he ate through four strawberries, but ________”.
Child: He was still hungry.

Recall question
Parent: “What happened to the caterpillar when he came out of the cocoon?”
Child: “He became a butterfly”.

Open-ended question
Parent: “Why did the caterpillar have a stomach ache?”
Child: “He ate too much. He felt sick.”

Wh– question
Parent: “What was the last thing the hungry caterpillar ate?”
Child: “A leaf”.

Distancing question
Parent: “When was the last time you had a stomach ache?”
Child: “I had a stomach ache _____”

Written by Sumeyya Yilmaz – Speech Pathologist at De Silva Kids Clinic

August 10, 2020

Discussion points to facilitate peer/sibling education regarding ASD


At times, it can be challenging for peers and siblings to understand individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Feelings experienced include frustration, anger, loneliness, sadness, disappointment, judgement, etc.

Below are some discussion points to help peers and siblings learn more about children on the spectrum, and to understand their characteristics:

1. Set the scene – Ensure that the child knows that it is a safe and open discussion, and that they can express their thoughts and feelings freely and honestly. Take turns and prompt the child to ask as many questions as they like

2. Explore the child’s thoughts and feelings about their peer or sibling with Autism. Use concept maps, sorting tables, pictures, etc

3. Discuss and explore what the child with Autism might need help with. Discuss what makes them different and normalise “difference” as a common characteristic among children. For example, some children wear hearing aids, some children need help with maths, some children wear glasses, etc. Ask the child to identify any other “differences” they have noticed in both themselves and others

4. Ask the child what they think this “difference” might be called. You can choose to give it a label (Autism), or simply describe it using phrases such as, “a brain that learns differently”

5. Invite the child to ask as many questions as they like about Autism, or present points for discussion yourself, e.g., what does Autism mean? What does Autism NOT mean, who else do you know that has Autism?

6. Discuss how having Autism might be difficult for the child

7. Discuss ways that the child can support their peer or sibling with Autism

June 20, 2020

Bilingualism and Language


Bilingualism and Language

Often times, parents have questions regarding bilingualism and its effects on language acquisition or language delay.

There are many benefits of being Bilingual: 

  • Bilingualism improves memory, concentration and numeracy skills.
  • It builds the child’s identity and will help in maintaining strong relationships with family, friends, culture and community.
  • As Bilingual children learn to switch languages, they develop flexible thinking as well as creative and problem solving skills.
  • Being Bilingual, increases the chances of obtaining jobs as they are able to participate in the global community and have access to a wider range of resources.


Will Bilingualism cause a language delay?

No. Bilingualism does not cause a language delay. The research has shown that children who are bilingual can have a smaller than average vocabulary in both languages however his total vocabulary from both languages may be the same size as a monolingual child. Children should be producing their first words between 8-15 months so if your bilingual child is demonstrating significant delays in acquiring his/her language milestones then he could have a language disorder. In this case, seek advice from a Speech Pathologist who can confirm whether or not it is a language disorder.

My child is mixing both languages. Does that mean they are confused?

When children or adults mix two or more languages it is called code-switching. Code-switching is normal and is a natural occurrence when bilingual speakers engage in conversation or when learning a second language.

Should I stop speaking in my native language at home?

No. Currently there is no evidence to suggest that increasing the use of English or the desired language at home is essential to improving the child’s acquisition of that language.  Speaking a language that is not your native language at home can cause the interactions with your child to be unnatural and uncomfortable. It is better to speak in a language that you are fluent and comfortable with than in a language that you are not proficient in as this will provide your child with a less than ideal model and this can consequently cause your child to speak in sentences that are grammatically incorrect or consist of the incorrect word order.

How can I support my bilingual child?

  • Speak the language that you are fluent in at home.
  • Provide as many opportunities as you can for your child to hear, speak, play and interact using your home language.
  • If you feel your child’s language is delayed, seek advice from a Speech Pathologist.

Written by Senali Alahakone – Speech Pathologist at De Silva Kids Clinic

February 28, 2020

The Power of Super-Flex

Children struggle with problem solving and self-regulation at all ages and Michelle Garcia Winner has created a wonderful creative resource for children to learn to become better social detectives, social thinkers and problem solvers. Michelle has created many different characters within her Social Thinking framework and two that I most commonly used within my work with children who are struggling within social settings- children with and without diagnoses.

Super-Flex is one of the names of a superhero character who teaches kids they have a superhero inside their own brains (who looks just like they do) helping them learn about their own and others’ thoughts and behaviours, strengthening their flexible thinking, and giving them strategies to self-regulate in challenging times. We can encourage children to call on their Super-Flex and thinkable powers anytime, anyplace, to help coach them along the expected social route and avoid unexpected behaviour.

Super-Flex can give children the opportunity to have fun while learning to self-regulate and become flexible thinkers. They can learn and practice Super-Flex thinking and strategies during adult driven activities at home that can then be generalised to all social settings such as school and the wider community.

Social thinking characters can be useful to keep in a child’s room or on the fridge as a reminder of who they can be when they are finding themselves in a problem-solving situation. It helps to talk through what she/he looks like and what he/say may say if they find themselves in a difficult situation.

Michelle Garcia Winner has some wonderful resources available for parents and therapists on her website- https://www.socialthinking.com/  There are books and posters for parents, schools and therapists to use with children which can be super helpful reminders.

Written by Psychologist Dominique Dolcetta for De Silva Kids Clinic.